Saturday, June 21, 2014

Little Bighorn Battlefield

Years and years ago I went to a place known as Custer's Battlefield. I think I was twelve or thirteen. 

It was a striking experience for me. At that time, history was told without censorship-- maybe with bias. I was young and not clear on what bias was. 
Stories of the battle and other atrocities that occurred concurrently marked my soul.

I was haunted by the government betrayals of treaties. Troubled by the clash of cultures when one was such a part of me. 

This time, though, history had been thoroughly sanitized. The moral judgement balanced and justified. Both sides valued, understood, illustrated in the most positive light possible. Like when you twist the truth enough to assure you won't be blamed as perfectly as you deserved.

I think I prefer the truth.

 Even when it is horrible


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